Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
Andorra | Univeersal Prestigi Distribuclo S.A.U. |
Avda. Tarragona 75-3, P.O. Box 69, Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra | Tel: +376-80 30 30 Fax: +376-82 33 47 |
Austria | Otto Sauseng GmbH | Lienfeldergasse 32,A-1160 Wien,Austria |
Tel: +43 (1) 4858611 |
Belgium | TSE Imaging B.V. | Argonweg 135, 1362 AD Almere, The Netherlands. |
Tel: +31 (0) 36 5346967 Fax: +31 (0) 36 5305561 www.tokina.eu |
Bulgaria | Best Electronics Ltd. | 56 Hristo Maksimov Str. entr A, apt 86, 1111 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Tel: +359-886 320 917 |
Canary Islands | Atlantic Traders, S.L. | Poligono Industrial El Mayorazgo, C/Subida Al Mayorazgo, 4-F, 38110 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarry Islands, Spain | Tel:+34-922-209 296 Fax:+34-922-205 404 |
Denmark | A-S Finn Jensen | Kirkegade 24, Gaarslev, DK-7080 Boerkop, Denmark | Tel: 45-44 600 680 Fax: 45-44 600 681 www.finnjensen,dk |
Estonia | Fotex AS | Oismae Tee 115 A, Tallinn 13515, Estonia | Tel: 372- 67 41 000 Fax: 372-67 41 005 www.fotex.ee |
Finland | Valokuvaustukku FOKA OY | Autoilijankatu 1, 20780 Kaarina, Finland | Tel: 358-2-5177-222 Fax: 358-2-5177-220 www.foka.fi |
France | COKIN KT s.a.s.u. | 32 rue de Jura – CS10326 Wissous, 94633 Rungis Cedex – France. | Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 73 42 42 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 73 42 40 www.cokin.com |
Georgia | Bene Trading LTD. | Pekini ave 3, 0171 Tbilisi, Georgia | Tel: +995 322-349028 benetrading.ge |
Germany | RICOH IMAGING Europe S.A.S. | Parc ICADE Paris Orly-Rungis 7-9, avenue Robert Schuman – B.P. 70102 94513 Rungis Cedex – France |
Tel.: +49 (0) 211 6579 1451 |
Gibraltar | The Alwani Group of Companies | Alwani House 87-89, Main Street, P.O. Box 214, Gibraltar |
Tel: +350 200 78841 |
Greece | Photometron/Mylonas | Leof. Alexandras 192a Athens, Greece. |
Tel: +30 210 600 6239 |
Ireland | Photo Import Ltd. | A2 Dunshaughlin Business Centre, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath, Ireland. | Tel: +353-1 825 8200 Fax: +353-1 825 8203 www.photoimport.ie |
Lithuania | UAB “Fotoprekyba” | Svitrigailos 11B, Vilnius LT-03228, Lithuania | Tel: +370 5 239 41 30 www.fotofoto.lt |
Netherlands | TSE Imaging B.V. | Argonweg 135, 1362 AD Almere, The Netherlands. |
Tel: +31(0)365346967 Fax: +31(0)365506112 www.tokina.eu |
Norway | Foto.no AS | Østerdalsgate 1B, 0658 Oslo, Norway | Tel: +47 46 46 24 24 http://www.foto.no |
Poland | K-Consult Sp. z o.o. | ul. Architektow 67, 81-528 Gdynia, Poland. | Tel: +48-58-6646328 Fax: +48-58-6683182 www.kconsult.pl |
Portugal | DUGOPA S.A. | C/Sierra de Albarracin, 5 28946 – Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain | Tel: +34 91 521 0804 Fax: +34 91 531 2395 www.dugopa.com |
Romania | F64 Studio s.r.l. | 7 Vigilentei Street, 5th district,050128 Bucharest,Romania. | Tel: +40-21-312-88-98 www.f64.ro |
Serbia | Telix d.o.o. | Futoski put 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia | Tel: +381-(0)21-489-0-489 Fax: +381-(0)21-489-0-444 www.telix.rs |
Slovenia | Infocona d.o.o. | Prevale 9, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia | Tel: +386-41-737337 Fax: +386-1-425-2789 |
Spain | DUGOPA S.A. | C/Sierra de Albarracin, 5 28946 – Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain | Tel: +34 91 521 0804 Fax: +34 91 531 2395 www.dugopa.com |
Sweden | Valokuvaustukku FOKA OY | Autoilijankatu 1, 20780 Kaarina, Finland | Tel: +358-2-5177-222 Fax: +358-2-5177-220 www.foka.fi |
Switzerland | Tobco AG |
Brandbachstrasse 10 8305 Dietlikon, Switzerland |
Tel: +41 58 255 32 00 |
U.K. | Holdan Limited | Brookfield House, Peakdale Road, Glossop, SK13 6LQ U.K. | Tel: +44-1457-85-1000 www.holdan.co.uk |
Ukraine | Prophoto Ltd. | Ukraine, Kiev, 40 Years of October, 15A, Ukraine | Tel: +38-044-502 51 51 Fax: +38-044-502 51 15 www.prophoto.com.ua |
Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
China | Winsoon Trading Co.,Ltd. | Rm 1602,Bulding A Tong Ji Commercial Plaza, 66Tong Ji Rd.,Foshan,Guangdong China | Tel: +86-757-83363610 Fax: +86-757-83366113 www.winsoon.cn |
Hong Kong & Macau | Top Leader Asia Pacific Limited. | 7A, World Tech Centre, 95 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong | Tel: +852 3571-9989 Fax: +852 3571-9747 www.topleader-asia.com |
India | Kenko Tokina Imaging India Pvt. Ltd. | S-11, Vatika Business Centre, Thapar House,124 Janpath, Connaught Place, New Delhi – 110001, India |
Tel: +91-11-41571155 |
Indonesia | P.D. Bintang Mas Permai Utama |
Jl. Alaydrus no 29B, RT/RW 002.002 Petojo Utara, Jakarta Pusat10130, Indonesia. |
Tel: +62-21-6346923-5 |
Japan | Kenko Tokina Co., Ltd. | KT Nakano Building , 5-68-10 Nakano Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-8616, Japan |
Tel: +81-3-6840-3228 Fax: +81-3-6840-3229 www.kenko-tokina.co.jp |
Korea | Sun-Photo Corporation | Sun-Photo Bldg, 47, Sogong-ro 3-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 04633 |
Tel: +82-2-756-2461 Fax: +82-2-756-2462 www.sunphoto.co.kr |
Malaysia | V Photo Sdn Bhd | Unit A1-14 1st Floor Block A PJ Industrial Park, Section 13, Jalan Kemajuan 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia |
Tel: +60-3-7958-3788 |
Mongolia | Nomin Trading Co., Ltd. | State Department Store, 7th Floor, P.O.Box 688, Peace Avenue – 23, Ulaanbaatar – 210644, Mongolia. | Tel: +976-11-313232 Fax: +976-11-314242 www.nomin.net |
Philippines | Super East Asia Enterprises, | 19 Don Egea Street, Brgy, Pinagkaisahan, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1111. | Tel: +63-2-5708413 Fax: +63-2-7267540 www.supereastasea.com |
Singapore | Cathay Photo Store (Pte) Ltd. | 315, Outram Road, #05-06, Tan Boon Liat Building, Singapore 169074. | Tel: +65-225-3788 Fax: +65-225-5990 www.cathayphoto.com.sg |
Taiwan | Tai Nein Company Limited | 2F, No. 29, Ren Ai Road, Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan.Taiwan.R.O.C. |
Tel: +886-2-33433966 Fax: +886-2-33433969 www.lf99.com |
Thailand | Quick Marketing Co., Ltd. | 3/19 Ladprao 101 Rd., Klongchan, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240, Thailand |
Tel: +662 1369094 Fax: +662 1369095 www.quickmarketing.co.th |
Vietnam | TI XI AI Company Limited | 74 Hong Ha St, Ward 2, Tan Binh Dist., HCM City, Vietnam | Tel: +84-8 3848 8518 Fax: +84-8 3848 8925 www.tixiai.com.vn |
Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
Bahrain | Yaquby Stores W.L.L. | P.O. Box 158, Bab-Al Bahrain Road, Manama, Bahrain | Tel: +973-210956 Fax: +973-210953 www.yaqubystores.com |
Cyprus | F.C. Trading Co., Ltd. | 16 Zenas Kanther Street,Nocosia 1065, Cyprus | Tel: +357 22 670 806/7 |
Iran | Aphomar Co. Ltd. | No. 74, South Iranshahr Ave., P.O. Box 11365-1167, Tehran, Iran | Tel: +9821-8324501-5 Fax: +9821-8325491 www.aphomar.com |
Israel | Arden Photographic Equipment Ltd. | 41, Gershon Street, Tel Aviv 67017, Israel | Tel: +972-3-5620123 Fax: +972-3-5620030 www.ardenphoto.com |
Kuwait | Faraj Al-Ajeel & Co. | Al-Ghaith Bldg., Fahed Al-Salem St., Kuwait | Tel: +965-2439186 Fax: +965-2418197 |
Lebanon | Fototek SARL | Sin El Fil Blvd., Moutran Bldg., P.O. Box 90720, Beirut, Lebanon | Tel: +961-1-252473/4 Fax: +961-1-254726 www.faridantakigroup.com |
Oman | Khimji Ramdas | P.O. Box 19, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman | Tel: +968-795901 Fax: +968-795988 |
Pakistan | Foto Best & Electronic Centre | Hakim Centre, Abdullah Haroon, Road, Saddar, P.O. Box 8827, Karachi-74400, Pakistan | Tel: +92-21-5676032 Fax: +92-21-5652195 |
Qatar | Foto Gulf Co. W.L.L. | P.O. Box 10682,Doha – Qatar | Tel: +974 44426333 Fax: +974 44433539 www.fotogulf.com |
Saudi Arabia | Ahmed Abdulwahed Trading Co. | Hail st. Al Amal Plaza, P.O. Box 3611, Jeddah 21481, Saudi Arabia | Tel: +966-2-6500282 Fax: +966-2-6500489 |
Sri Lanka | Ninehearts (Pte) Ltd. | 758/1 Dr. Danister De Silva Mawatha, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka | Tel: +94-1-687541/688048 Fax: +94-1-687542 www.ninehearts.com |
Turkey | GLOBUS KOLLEKTIF SIRKETI | Ankara Caddesi Halil Halil Lutfu Dorduncu Is Merkezi No:32 D: 38-1 SIRKECI / Fatih ISTANBUL Turkey | Tel: +90 0 (212) 527 06 50 – +90 0 (212) 527 66 18 Fax: 0 (212) 511 05 25 www.mamiya.com.tr Vergi Dairesi : HOCAPASA 3960051790 |
U.A.E. | M.K. Trading Co. L.L.C. | P.O. Box 5418, Dubai, U.A.E. | Tel: +971-4-2225745 2281695 Fax: +971-4-2285389 www.mktradingco.com |
Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
Australia | C.R. Kennedy & Co. Pty. Ltd. | 300 Loremer Street,Port Melbourne 3207,Victoria, Australia. | Tel: +61 3 9823 1555 Fax: +61 3 9823 1591 www.crkennedy.com.au |
New Zealand | JLX Ltd. | 15B Byron St., Sydenham, Christchurch 8023, New Zealand |
Mob: +64 3 666 889 |
Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
Canada | Kenko Tokina USA Inc. | 7642 Woodwind Drive, Huntington Beach, California 92647, U.S.A. | Tel: +1-714-849-5700 Fax: +1-714-849-5677 www.kenkotokinausa.com |
U.S.A. | Kenko Tokina USA, Inc. | 7642 Woodwind Drive, Huntington Beach, California 92647, U.S.A. | Tel: +1-714-849-5700 Fax: +1-714-849-5677 www.kenkotokinausa.com |
Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
Brazil | KANSAI TRADE LTDA | RUA DR. THIRSO MARTINS, 44 – 5o ANDAR – CJ. 54, VILA MARIANA – SAO PAULO/SP | Tel/Fax: +551150840900 http://www.kansaitrade.com.br |
Chile | KillStore | Eulogia Sánchez 065, Providencia, Santiago, Chile | +56934970778 http://www.killstore.cl |
Country | Name of Distributor | Address | Tel / Fax / URL / E-mail |
Ghana | Premier Productions Ltd. | No. 14, 17th Lane Osu-RE, P.O. Box M.237, Accra, Ghana | Tel: +233-21-761059 Fax: +233-21-761135 |
Mauritius | CHOW VEE SOP & CO (ALHAMBRA STUDIO) | 18, Medine Mews, Sir Celicourt Antelme Street, Port Louis, Mauritius | Tel: +230-208-8890 |
Morocco | Latco | 183-187, Bd. Ziraoui, Casablanca, Morocco. | Tel:+ 212-22 20 62 45 Fax: +212- 22 26 78 51 www.latco.ma |
South Africa | G & L Agencies c.c. | 9a Langwa Street, Strijdom Park, 2194, P.O. Box 651342, Benmore, 2010, South Africa | Tel: +27-11-792-1097 Fax: +27-11-792-4466 www.glagencies.co.za |